SAP Consulting
Customer Project Management SAP CPM
When carrying out customer projects where different departments are involved, cooperation determines the success and profitability of the project.
- The Purchasing department needs to procure the required materials or services in the right time and at competitive terms.
- In Controlling the budgeted and effective costs flow together. Up-to-date data and the ability to quickly recognize deviations is what counts.
- Team leaders and department heads provide the resources to the project – the right personnel selection and careful scheduling are critical.
- In the Sales process a well-founded calculation is the basis for a profitable project – in the course of the project the accurate accounting of the delivered services to the agreed terms matters.
- The project leader needs to see a coherent picture of the project status as the basis for essential decisions in the management of the project.
SAP CPM is the umbrella under which all relevant activities, objects, documents and evaluations while managing a customer project are united. The solution provides a central point of entry for every project where all information is gathered. This “project-workspace“ is divided into special field views, in which every department sees their needed information and is able to carry out bookings. The project leader is able to see every view.
Instead of many individual SAP transactions that need to be accessed regularly to view project information or to carry out bookings, one has the project-workspace. Here the project data are brought together and you decide in which layout you want to see them: tables, graphics, flow charts, structure diagrams.
But CPM offers more than visualisation and consolidation of project information. Bookings can be triggered directly from the various views. For example, debit requests can be created based on a billing plan. Planning and calculation of the project can be updated directly and much more.
For complex customer projects changes are the rule during the project period. New requirements, unexpected problems or risks - all need to be considered in the current planning and subsequently calculated.
With the CPM module “Project issue and change management“ you can track changes in the project. This allows you to clearly manage and document change requests and plan/track costs in detail. The module is integrated with PS/CO and fits seamlessly into the project and enterprise controlling.
Overview of the main functions of SAP CPM:
- Proposal structuring and calculation
- Creation of the project structure based on the proposal
- Pre-calculation and ongoing preview, direct planning in and integration with Excel
- Project organigram (professional teams, employees)
- Tracking of the document flow from requisition to delivery
- Accounting based on fixed price, milestones or resource-related
- Real-time reporting of costs, budgets, proceeds, WIP, progress
- Issue and change management with cost integration
SAP CPM works together with the following SAP modules: PS, CO, MM, PP, HR, FI, PPM.
Ready to start your project?
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