Phoron SAP Berater Team

SAP Consulting

Business Area Specials

Our primary concern is to support our customer’s strength in their core business with business software from SAP. Personal SAP consulting and optimization is our main focus to get the highest possible return from your investment.

SAP Consulting

We implement, rollout and optimize your SAP system

Since our start in 2004 we have become well-known for customer and process-oriented SAP consulting. Our employees support you in implementing your requirements und business processes with their comprehensive business and technical knowledge, while remaining within SAP standard as far as possible.

We support you with the implementation of SAP systems, the rollout to subsidiaries and sites, the optimization of existing SAP systems and developing your individual requirements.


Our consulting focus is in Logistic solutions, Procurement, Marketing & Sales, Portfolio and Project Management, Finance and Controlling as well as Business Intelligence solutions, and SAP Basis consulting and support.


Procurement by Phoron
All functionalities for strategic and operational purchasing to facilitate the entire process and use resources more efficiently.
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SAP Rollout Brazil
ERP rollouts to Brazil differ significantly from rollouts to other countries. The complex structures and diverse legal regulations make Brazil a "jungle of paragraphs" for Europeans. We specialize in rollouts to Brazil.
project planning
Project-Portfolio Management with SAP
The PPM solutions from SAP for company-wide project management cover the entire project life cycle, are fully integrated with your ERP system and thus give you an overview of financial and personnel resources.
SAP Analytics
The digital transformation can offer enormous opportunities for new business areas and profit opportunities. The basis of these opportunities lies in the collection and networking of data as it arises today with every process, every machine, every communication and every click.
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Worldwide e-Invoicing with SAP
Governments around the world are launching initiatives to digitize their tax systems that require companies to submit tax information electronically. Use a global solution to send and report tax-related information.